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Opening Doors, Opening Minds

Welcome To Dunston Primary

Thank you for visiting our school website.

We believe that Dunston St Peter’s Church of England Primary School is a wonderful place for a child to begin their learning journey and we would love to show you around.

Please continue to browse our website, Facebook and Instagram feeds to get a flavour of what life at Dunston St Peter's is like. If you feel we match the aspirations you have for your child, give us a call or pop in to arrange a viewing, we would love to meet you and show you around.




 The Bible describes how Christians come together as a family. The members of our school family – pupils, parents, staff and Governors are interdependent: all are needed and valued and each person is important to the whole. We are working together to ensure all feel included, valued and bring benefit to the wider communities that we serve. 


Corinthians 12:24-26 - But God has combined the members of the body….so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it





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Dunston St Peter’s Church of England School, Back Lane, Dunston, LN4 2EH

01526 320027