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Class 1


Welcome to Class 1


The adults who work in our class are:

Mrs Walker, Mrs Beresford, Miss Urquhart, Mrs Elsey, Miss Brumpton and Mrs Banfield.


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Key information


PE is on a Wednesday with Coach Leo and every Friday with Mrs Beresford.

Homework is set on a Friday and should be returned on the following Friday.

Where possible, homework should be completed and returned to Mrs Walker or Mrs Beresford if you are unable to upload it onto your child's Microsoft Teams account.  

Spellings will be set each week using Spelling Bee, your child will bring a paper activity home as well as having access to the Spelling Bee website where weekly activities will be set to match their learning in class.  

Children in Reception and Year 1 will need to practise their phonics also as homework which covers what they have been learning that week in their lessons.  This will be given to parents during our phonics evening at the start of the year.  

Reading books are changed independently on any day as long as an adult from our class is informed. Reading records are checked regularly. We expect a minimum of three reads signed by parents per week. Once children have read 15 different books (both school books and reading for pleasure books) they will receive a certificate and move up a planet on our Reading Reward chart.